Sunday, October 12, 2008

How do the laws of thermodynamics relate to..who gives a shit?

If you answer that question with "I give a shit about thermodynamics" then go away. I'm, of course, referring to AP Bio and how boring these essays we have to write are. Any who, today I went to work at the Stony Creek library again. I work there in the summer and they've hired me for Sundays and Wednesdays(random, I Know). That's was, unfortunately, the highlight of my weekend. I know that's sad, but maybe tomorrow will bring something a little more exciting. I hope to maybe hang out with my neighbor and maybe go for a long bike ride. I really feel like going to Maine for a little while, to my family's cottage on a beautiful lake and a huge mountain nestled behind the lake. Want to join me?

Here's some news:

Good news gays, you can get married here in Connecticut! Congrats to you!

North Korea has been taken off of our terrorist list, yay?

Colin sucks.

And world leaders are scrambling to fix our shitty economy. But hey, at least oil's cheap and the news media has something to focus on.

And that's what our world's main topics are, in case you've been secluded in a cave over the past few weeks.

And if anyone as any suggestions for a Halloween costume for me, let me know because I'm at a lose and time is running out.

I'm going to work on my AP Bio work, not really. See ya around.

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