Monday, December 29, 2008

And he walked on the stumps and pushed 'em to the ground

I love vacation time. I haven't done much that was productive since last last Wednesday. I sleep till about 12 and mosey my way down to the kitchen to eat some cereal in my boxers and watch TV. Then I play around on the computer and read and watch more TV. Coincidentally I feel like a slug..but I don't really care right now. I went to Tara's house on Sat.with Jenna and they got me maple syrup an PLAID which I've already been wearing so thank you both! We sat around and talked and I had loads o' fun. I really enjoyed myself and to carry on the festivities Tar and I are going to see Seven Pounds even though nobody knows what the hell it's about..a mystery movie I guess. So that's about it. I hope to break this slump and be more active and social this vacation because if I keep siting around I'm going to get bed sores haha. Well I'm off to go pay my damn parking ticket at the police station..yay. See ya later!

ps- Here's a little video to sum up my lumberjack image, enjoy!


YourOwnCosette said...

lmao Thou art lameth! <3

YourOwnCosette said...

Well Jeeze, Sean. If it is that much of a hassle for you I guess I could sign off on some community service hours, lol. What do you want to do?

YourOwnCosette said...

We could tool around wallmart some more and do other thingsss.

YourOwnCosette said...

YEAH! and maybe we can go to that cool looking movie theatre we said we would go to next time we went to the book barn..we could see benjamin button...<3 ?