Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's the dirty story of a dirty man

I hate studying. I've been trying to catch up on learning a bunch of crap that I had kind of decided to not pay attention to for the past few months in class. It sucks. But I'll get it done. I just need to focus, which has been no easy task lately. I hadn't seen Tara for the past few days because I am apparently a tool (not really). She was sick and out of school on Thursday and I was going to go visit but I got held up staying after and time just ran out. Then I was sick on Friday and I didn't go to school so then today to make up for the lack of us time, I went over to her house and we lounged around all day, having loads o fun as usual. More good times. It's kind of funny how quickly time flies when you're having loads.

I've been trying to get a bunch of songs that have been stuck in my head out. As a result, I have been constantly listening to those songs as well new songs to fill their space in my head.

Now I have a long weekend and I have to spend the rest of it working, studying, and studying some more. Yay. But that's ok because after that I don't have o do any work, just play and warmth. Oh warmth, how I miss your sweet embrace. Drafty windows, broken heaters, and sub zero winds keep you away, but not forever. The sun will grow closer and I will once again not have to wear 3 layers in my own room. Yes, warmth, you will be welcomed with great passion.

Hope you all can try to stay warm and out of airplanes that turn into boats. Yeah, now I want to got flying, NOT! Oh well, we'll see what happens.

Here's a link to my project play list. Go listen to it and make one, they're free and cool. The songs at the bottom are most recent. Enjoy the tunes and see ya later!

1 comment:

YourOwnCosette said...

Well maybe if you were there before I went to sleep I wouldnt need the doobies...because, ya know, we get that high feeling from each other..and yeah, im pretty excited about practicing more Biology after MLK tomorrow...
<3 Wow, we're