Monday, September 7, 2009

It's my 1 year (sorta) Blogaversary!

That's right, I can make up words too! Anywhoosies, it has been a year since I made this blog o awesomeness. Looking back at some of the posts, I think to myself "Wtf was I on?" and "I really need a life." I can say that since I started this blog, some cool and different things have happened in my life. Here's a list so y'all can read it easier:

1. I'm now 17
2. I am no longer single :)
3. I lost 30 lbs (not on purpose... I had the flu for a month and couldnt hold my food)
4. I got a mini fridge
5. I went to Disney
6. I had an awful year in AP Fail (I mean Bio)
7. I went to Salem and Concord and Mystic and a bunch of other places
8. I got closer with all my friends
9. I might be a better writer (maybe)
10. I went to prom with the most purtiest date

If I didnt include anything important, PLEASE remind me. I have the memory of an 80 year old sometimes.

School isnt that bad this year... yet. I hate, hate, hate physics with all my soul. It sucks. On the bright side, I love English even more, AP style. AP, along with all my other English classes, has really helped me feel confident about wanting to be an English teacher after college. I've known this for a while, but now it's with a lot less apprehension. I do feel a little stressed/ overwhelmed with all the other shit we as seniors need to do. I still have to retake the SATs, do the ACTs, do my senior ex, apply to colleges, BLAHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHGGGHGHGH! But, I, along with everyone else, will get through it.