Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OBAMA '08, It's OFFICIAL!!!!

Damn right it has finally happened! I truly believe in him and his abilities as the next president of our country. This election has really made history and it was surprising to me that countries all over the world are in full support of the Obama nation! People may say he doesn't have experience but maybe that's a good thing. Think about it, do we really want a president who has been molded into the government's ways like past electees? I know I don't because I am seriously ready for change in our country, the good kind of change that Barack Obama will bring come January. So there we go, our next president, Barack Obama this blog post is for you!

Now in less exciting me news, I am going to Boston this weekend and I cant wait because we are going to Salem first. I love going though all the old churches and houses so it should be fun. We're also going to the Cheesecake factory which is in the same building as my hotel! Whoo! We'll also visit a lot of museums, the science one is my favorite. So that's what is new, go OBAMA and I'll be back later.


Colin said...

I hate you with every fiber of my being. Jenna too.

Die in a Fire.

YourOwnCosette said...

Seany, you're so right. Yeah, its true he doesnt have much experience as a lying,cheating bastard, but he does have experience in doing right by me.. so hooray President Obama!

And wow ur going to be reliving the Boston trip from 8th grade all over again!