Monday, November 24, 2008

Becoming Obsolete

I've noticed that many of the things I thought were innovative and cool are now pointless and basically a waste. Blockbuster. Who rents DVDs or buys them for that matter? I know I do but most people get them online for free so why go out and pay unnecessary amounts of moolah for them? Another thing is this Flypen I got last Xmas. I seemed so cool and now, almost a year later, it sits in the box after I used it about 2-3 times. That's why this year for Christmas I'm asking for things I know wont fade with the times. One of the random things I want are a mini fridge to house soda, milk for cereal, and other cool goods. Another thing I want is a computer desk for my laptop. Again, something I can use for a long time. I also just want some Cd's, which may be obsolete for some but I still love them. I realized I have everything I need to keep me entertained like my laptop, ipod, TV, and car. So the rest is "fun fluff".

So yeah that's about it. I can't concentrate long enough to take out my work and put y damn name on it. I really want some turkey to make me sleepy. Colin sucks.

I'm going to practice the harmoica, wanna listen? See ya later.

1 comment:

YourOwnCosette said...

lol yeah I want to hear your harmonica! Please?