Saturday, December 13, 2008

Did you know I'm The Cranberries' inspiration?

For once I didn't spend my Friday night alone with me, lady laptop, and nothing good to eat in the house. Instead, Tara and I went to Jenna's casa. It was loads. We read the Chuck Norris book and talked. We had bacon pizza and ice cream(yes in the winter). We drove even thought Jenna literally lives right next to Ashley's. We froze and sat in the car and listened to The Cranberries. I played with Jenna's crazy eyed dog and just had loads (o fun). I'm pretty sure Jenna was about to fall asleep with us there so Tara and I left around 12 ish and talked some more. So yeah, a lot better than playing free online games and watching shit on TV, a lot better indeed.

Today I went with my neighbors to the Bronx Zoo. Usually they have a holiday lights show but it was cancelled because they didn't have the funding :( So we just walked around in 28 degree weather and saw the bird house and the mouse house and seals. It was an okay time, a little disappointing but still okay.

I think I have to work tomorrow at the library Come visit me because I'll be bored. Then after i hope we can go get a Christmas tree. So yeah, that's my weekend. See ya around.


YourOwnCosette said...

lmao how many times do you say loads in this post, hun? And I'm glad we got to hang out this friday, we dont do that very much. Im also glad that you've come to the conclusion that Jenna and I are much more entertaining than bad food and your laptop. Maybe we should make this an annual friday night thing?!

Oh, AND you have to come over my house sometime this week because I learned a new song on Ava (my guitar) and want to show it off..maybe some harmonica action as well? Oh yeah, and I have to show you how Christmassy my house is...

<3 Tara

YourOwnCosette said...

y'know seany, my love..maybe u should seriously consider updating ur blog..

PS. Im watching Jimmy Newtron and they are singing

PPS. You lessthanthree me? Fo rizzle? my life is complete XD