Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If I must...

It's been a good week. I got my Christmas tree on Sunday. It's a bit smaller than we normally get but it looks snazzy with all the lights and ornaments on it (which my cats are already knocking down). I worked that day too and it was really slow. I got to check my email and play solitaire for about a half hour before some old lady wanted to check out some large print Mary Higgins Clark novel. Then on Tuesday I had newspaper and then went to Tara's casa. She played her 3 stringed guitar and we had Xmas cookies while laughing at her sass-tastic sister. Then after sitting around we went to Walmart, land of awesome toys, cheap electronics, and creepy elderly. We got gifts and walked around and I played with the toys cuz yeah, I'm that cool! I even saw my third grade teacher who says I'm still the best student she ever had (of course hehe). We had loads. I worked today and ate a lot of Xmas cookies and put books away. It has be quite productive so far.

I'm excited for Christmas even though it has arrived pretty quickly. I want my mini fridge. I'm also excited to got to the light festival with Tara. That will be _________(fill in the blank). So yeah I cant wait for the break and all the fun I'll be partaking in. I don't feel very well and hope I can go to school b/c AP Walking awaits. See ya soon!


YourOwnCosette said...

oh! I know! It must be...lead? lard?

Oh wait, loads!


YourOwnCosette said...

I know you did! If that's not love, what it? XDD

YourOwnCosette said...


my ADD also includes spelling, apparently

YourOwnCosette said...

So ur calling me moderately sp-ed..nice..butthead!

Its okay, i lessthanthree u anyways...ill go make u a sandwhich now