Thursday, December 4, 2008

So what's the deal with airline food?

So guess what I'm doing tomorrow? Give up? Well, I'll tell ya. Tomorrow I'm going to see Jerry Seinfeld do stand up at Foxwoods wooo! I think he is hilarious and I really love his brand o' comedy so that should be a good time. Then on Saturday myself and others are going to see The Crucible play at our school. It's a good story so I hope they deliver a good performance. Actors; Make Arther proud.

So this week has brought a bit of unfortunate occurrences to the people around me. My aunt got her credit card stolen, everybody ( and soon me) is getting sick, and 2 of m teacher's computers died. Kind of weird but maybe that's what I get for making jokes about the one legged skiers we saw in advisory. I hope the black cloud moves on soon to doom other snarky people with the bad luck it brings.

Also, today Colin, Clayton, and I went to Walsh. Clayton works on their school newspaper and Colin and I wanted to visit our old teachers. That school still sucks as much as it did when I went there, which feels so long ago. Randy gave us candy which was fun. Whether she remembered our names I cant say, but she remembered us and she's still cranky and funny.

Well I have to go write and essay or two so I will return with some Seinfeld comedy for y'all later! See ya!

1 comment:

YourOwnCosette said...

ZOMG lmao look at what john wrote on my post after u commented..lmao XD