Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lying there and staring at the ceiling

As many of you know today was the final day of AP Walking. Damn. I'll miss walking around with you guys, singing and being a general nerd. I know many of you are wondering who my replacement as head coach will be. Well my successor is going to be Peter for his dedication to the awesomeness and his lack of caring about gym. So there, Pete's the new AP coach so respect his authoritayyyy and maybe sing with him once and a while, for me.

Moving on, mid terms are quickly approaching. AHHHHH! I haven't started any of the work I need to do or studied for the tests that we are going to have. Yes, oh shit is right. Maybe I'll start some of it tonight, after I recover from the epic fail of the AP Bio test I just took. Colin, I will kill you. The essay was really hard. Fucker.

This weekend is going to be full. Friday, I found out I have to go watch my sister dance at some basketball game, oh boy. Then maybe Tara will get to be graced by my presence. Hopefully;). Saturday I'm going to the Hartford Boat show with my dad. I love going there, pretending that I can actually afford one or two of the monstrous vessels. I love boats. I want to pick up sailing again. But my current beauty is really a P.O.S. that's more trouble than it's worth. We'll see. Sunday I am going to a mass for my Nana in Madison. It has been a year since she passed on but it feels like it was yesterday. I miss her and think of her constantly so the service should be nice. So that plus uber amounts of studying is what I'll be up to this week/weekend. Stay warm and see ya soon!

P.S.- I'm advertising for Pete...he's got a new blog. Check it out and see ya later!http://zerstorenisawayoflife.blogspot.com/

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