Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Sweet Friday

As I write this I'm watching the Spongebob episode where Sandy wants to go back to Texas and I have to say the older episodes re wayyyyyy funnier than the new ones. The new ones aren't as creative. Moving on from the best show ever...

Did anyone see the vp debate last night. If not, I don't blame you, it wasn't very impressive. Palin gave her usual spiel about being a hockey mom and her answers were as expected, broad and scattered, although she did maintain her composer the whole time which was impressive to me. Biden did well, he seemed to be more about the people(citizens) while Palin was about her and McCain.

Today is Friday in case you forgot. I hope the weather is nice so I can go for a hike or ride my bike . Colin sucks. I'm feeling optimistic and tired... and hungry so I'll be back later. Enjoy the day!


Betty Rocker said...

yea so i completely agree with the stunningly genius statement about how much colin sucks. I think he sucks more than Sarah Palin's daughter does.....

Sean S. said...
