Thursday, October 30, 2008

BOO! I scared you!

HAPPY ALMOST HALLOWEEN! I love Halloween for a few reasons. One, its marks the day of my arrival into the world(the best day, I know). I'll be 17 so I can now see R rated movies, oh boy! Second, I LOVE CANDY! I would consider myself a candy whore, I cant get enough of the sugary fantasticness. And third, I like getting the candy with my friends and then taking some of their candy for myself(I may have a problem)haha!

So yeah Halloween rocks and because it's on Friday, I can stay out later even though most of the people in my neighborhood are old and will be asleep by 8pm but oh well, I can always open my presents. This brings me to my next point, thank you T for the awesome book. I have already started it and love it! Thanks a lot!

Well people I must now go guard my mailbox from certain destruction, goodnight and enjoy HALLOWEEN, and while you are getting candy thin of yours truly! Bye:)

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